Summer Camp 2023
Code of Conduct
We ask camper(s) and parents/guardians to read this code of conduct together before arriving at camp.
Our purpose, is to ensure every child enjoys all the sessions at the summer camp and to provide an environment where they experience the full enrichment value of the experience, while remaining safe at the summer camp.
To achieve and support every young person attending the camp, we have established a set of expected behavioural conduct for you to consider and practise at every session.
As a camper, we want you to commit to the following.
– Maintain respectful behaviour with other campers (s) and staff.
– Not use obscene, threatening or abusive language.
– Be careful and considerate that my actions will not hurt another camper’s feelings or injure them physically, be it intentionally or accidentally.
– Show respect to the camp staff, and cooperate fully with their instructions. Follow directions at all times.
– Respect the rights and beliefs of others, and treat others with courtesy and consideration.
– Respect the property of others.
– Everyone must value time by being punctual to camp and during all sessions.
– To work within a group.
– To cooperate with others and participate fully in group activities.
– Be willing to share resources.
– Win and Celebrate graciously with other campers.
– No name-calling.
– Not to intimidate, bully or threaten others.
– Communicate appropriately, which means I will not use foul language, gestures, or harsh words. I will not raise my voice or use verbal threats of any kind.
– Cooperate with adults at the camp.
– No stealing, damaging, or failing to care for the camp venue or personal property.
– Inappropriate physical contact.
– Using profanity or inappropriate language or displaying clothing or other personal items with offensive content.
– Refrain from deliberately causing bodily harm to the campers or staff. I understand that pushing, kicking, hitting or fighting are not acceptable behaviour. This behaviour will not be tolerated and would be grounds for suspension/dismissal from the camp program.
Personal Space and Property
– Be respectful of all camp property and equipment/supplies.
– Never mark, deface or destroy camp or personal property.
– Zero tolerance to drugs, alcohol, and all types of tobacco, including e-cigarettes.
– No weapons, lookalike weapons or sharp objects are allowed on the premises.
– Refrain from fighting, loitering and causing damage to property or causing a fight.
– You must stay on the camp premises at all times.
– You are only allowed off the premise if granted permission by a camp staffer.
– Endangering the health and safety of yourself, other campers, and or staff or volunteers is prohibited.
– Campers need to pay attention to their surroundings and use care in all activities.
– Campers will adhere to all safety rules and regulations given for each camp activity that they participate in while at camp.
– Maintain good hygiene before attending and during camp.
– Keep the working space clean and tidy.
– There will be breaks provided at intervals.
– Shorts breaks should be on the premises.
– Lunch breaks can be observed off the premises after notifying a camp staff.
– Wearing appropriate clothing is required.
– Adequate consideration of clothes that cover the body.
– Registration is required every day upon arrival and departure.
– Daily registration is essential to support the refund policy at the end of camp.
– Mobile phones will not be allowed during teaching or activity sessions, only at break times or at the end of the camp day.
– We require mobiles to be submitted to camp organisers and kept safe in our summer camp phone bank.
– Refrain from taking pictures of others without prior notification.
-Campers must inform the camp staff if they are experiencing a problem with another camper or other issues. If a staff member is not informed about a problem, they cannot assist the camper or stop the problem.
– We expect all campers to have FUN, but not at the expense of others.
– Parents can contact their children via the camp administrator or manager.
– Parents must contact the camp administrator on 02085175827.
Violation of the Code of Conduct can be grounds for disciplinary actions, including but not limited to automatic suspension/dismissal/forfeiture of parental deposit.
Failure to comply with the code of conduct may result in your removal from the program or incur additional fees. You forfeit your deposit if the camper is dismissed from the camp program due to a violation of the Code of Conduct.