Our Social Purpose


The resolve of young people to finish secondary education and continue into further education, employment or training. This is done through workshops, mentoring and activities during after school terms


the Community through the Community Leaders Forum – A meeting for leaders to facilitate networking among the various sectors and provide a voice for their respective communities and relay back to the community their collective responsibilities.


within Sustaining Life forums. The support is mainly for those with life changing health related problem and their carers (especially Sickle Cell, Cancer) the forum provides up to date advice on related issues, welfare support and activities to ensure they live a fulfilled life.


Cohesion & Integration through activities which brings the whole community together, such as the LBBD Run4life, the use of our facilities for community led events and other related activities that serves our overall objective.


residents during difficult times through the provision of enrichment activities, Food related provisions, and being a referral point for onward assistance.